Well Fed Farms and Erik Olson have sold their beautiful produce, eggs, and chickens at the Anacortes Farmers Market since 2010. Erik has some of the largest, healthiest produce and animals in the Skagit Valley. Through the years, Well Fed Farms has noted that “organic,” “natural,” and “local” don’t always mean sustainable or healthy. On their website, they note that “The best food comes from farmers who truly care about land, animals, and community; people who operate on a small enough scale to spend time with both the food they produce and the customers who eat it; businesses that operate transparently and welcome anyone to stop by to see for themselves where their food comes from and how it is grown.”

“Well Fed Farms embodies these values. Animals are raised outdoors on pasture, where they can scratch, root, play, and forage. Their diets are completed with high quality, GMO free grain rations sourced from independently owned, local mills. Excellent feed, supplemented with abundant forage, results in delicious, nutrient-rich meat and eggs. An open, low stress environment where they are free to exercise their natural instincts results in healthy, contented animals. You can see and taste the difference.”
“Ecological balance is one of the most important principals on a farm that strives to be truly sustainable. At Well Fed Farms, rotational cropping and grazing, composting, and nutrient cycling are all employed to care for the soil and water resources that support the continued productivity of the land. Well-managed, healthy land enables the production of high quality, delicious food, which provides the nourishment needed to sustain us and complete the cycle, keeping land, animals, and people all Well Fed.”

At the Anacortes Food Coop, you will find their Beefsteak Tomatoes, Celery, and other beautiful produce. If you want to order chicken or pork, please be be sure to contact the farm at 360-708-0520 or farm@wellfedfarms.net. You can visit their website at http://www.wellfedfarms.net.