The most important people behind the Cooperative are the members and volunteers. Among the volunteers are our Board of Directors who represent you. The Board meets monthly, usually the first Monday, to oversee the direction of the Co-op and develop policies. For more information see Governing Documents. Directors may be contacted at
We welcome new board members to bring ideas and vitality to the Co-op. The term is two years. If interested, please submit an application describing a little about you and why you want to serve. You may submit to Looking for other ways to volunteer? See our Volunteers Page.
Board Director Job Description
The Board is meeting by Zoom conference and in person. If interested in attending, contact the board by email or ask store staff.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: March 11, 2 pm, Anacortes Chamber of Conference Meeting Room
Phil Cohen Chair
Tim Heiner Secretary
Sara Holahan Treasurer
Braxton Cox Vice Chair
Darrell Roberts Director