This week, we have some great selections for you. Our green vegetables include kale, parsley, romaine, zucchini, celery, brussel sprouts, leeks, poblano peppers, purple cabbage, and late flat dutch cabbage. Our root vegetable and bulb selections are Japanese salad turnips (with tops) red radishes, orange and rainbow carrots, yacon, tumeric root, ginger root, red and yellow onions, yukon gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic, shallots, beets with or without their tops, and garnet yams. For fruit this week, we have Calville Blanc d’Hiver and Spartan apples, asian pears, bartlett pears. watermelon, Northwest grown kiwi, satsumas, pomegranates, lemons, bananas, fresh cranberries, grapefruit, and pomelos, which are just $2.24 each and taste sweet! We also have tomatoes, avocados, and a lot of winter squash!

We’ve got a rather interesting looking squash variety at the Coop this week, it’s called Tromboncini! Very unique in appearance and shape, and they are grown by Sarah at the Farm on 41st! She says the neck is free of seeds, and has mild flavor and good texture. She likes to cut the bulb end in half and scoop the seeds out, top it with cheese, and bake in the oven. Yum!
Last week, the winners for our contest were announced. Congratulations to Corinne Sayler and Louise Riersen! They won 10% off their purchases for the whole month of January! We are continuing this contest for February as well! All members who spend 50 dollars or more in a single transaction in January will be entered. If your name is drawn you will get 10% off for the month of February. The more often you come in and spend at least 50 dollars, the better the chance is the next winner will be you!

We are working to make it easier than ever for our members to do as much of their shopping as possible with us here at the Coop. In the past year, we have tripled our inventory, and we are happy to do a special order for you if we don’t have something you need. With 80,000 items to choose from, if you want it we probably have it! Also, you get 10% off your special order. It’s a great way to get what you need and save at the same time! Each month, we also have specific products that are on sale at 20% off! For the Coop to continue it’s mission, it is important that as many members and non-members as possible spend at least 50 dollars each week when they shop with us. All of us at the Coop are grateful for the support you give us, and we want to continue to grow and stay in Anacortes. Come on down and support us!
Don’t forget our Valentine Cooking for your Sweetie class with dapper Swan Chutney coming up on Sunday January 28th! You don’t want to miss this free event! http://www.anacortesfoodcoop.com/events/